

All of Generico McCompany's products were built using things like maths and creative thinking. This lets us appropriately matrix fully researched alignments.


See what we mean for yourself.

Shoehorn harmonica

For those times you need to take your shoes off, but want to bring some music to the world.


Generico McCompany advises users to play music before removing shoes rather than after.

Virtual back wax

Using the latest in nanotransmission technology, our virtual back wax product has allowed customers to pay for that satisfying feeling of having had their back waxed, without any actual pain. (Or hair removal)

Degrogulator 421


Have you got some grog that you want to be de...grogged? The degrogulator 421 has got you covered!


Have you got hair like this person? If so then you probably won't need Generico McCompany's award winning* Toupee insurance.


Please note, this product does not support insurance for wigs.

*Winner of worst insurance product in the market.